
الجمعة، 23 ديسمبر 2011

love spells used when looking for some new love in your life

Letter of Love SpellSure this one might seem to be lacking in "traditional" magickal ingredients like herbs or crystals, but the symbolism is just as powerful. This spell should be performed on a Friday night. Your supplies:
  • 1 sheet of blank paper
  • 1 red marker
  • 1 envelope
  • Favourite perfume
  • Favourite red lipstick
  • 5 or 6 fresh red rose petals
Use the red marker to write down the qualities you are looking for in a new love, being specific and realistic. Do not use names! Give the paper a spray or dab of your perfume, then fold it into the envelope.Hold the rose petals in your hand, and picture yourself with your ideal mate. Let yourself feel how happy you would be. Put the petals into the envelope with the paper, and seal the envelope. With a little lipstick on your lips, plant a big kiss on the outside of the envelope.
Keep the envelope in a safe spot, and do not open it. Once you've found your new lover, you can simply throw it away or burn it. Just don't open it.

هناك تعليق واحد:

  1. Thank you for posting such an incredible article it really means a lot about Love Spells because i have had the Black Magic Love Spell which had a bit of problems but i really will try this one out. Thank you a lot.
