Brothers and sisters : A lot of us without work or needs to increase his income .. and Leafing through the net and found a company that has high credibility in the forums foreign act as an intermediary between job seekers from the house and the employers ... and the job is data entry so that the company sent to you data and forms on your e-mail and prefers to be non-yahoo, such as Gmail or Hotmail and you are merging and the introduction of data and send it again ... after the registration in the company and must be your real you will receive a check in your name and your address will get $ 10 in your account and you will get a link from them to invite your friends to registration through your own link publication of the armpit in the forums and sites you will earn 1cent for every one you refer and after the arrival of your earnings to the $ 40 you can receive the first check and become eligible for promotion job as a data entry and profit from it very good you'll get about $ 6 to form one o'clock as well as you can profit from writing in the forum of their own for 40 cents this next to your continued participation in the profit by inviting people to register under you ... to sign up for this company and get the $ 10 Please register from the next link...... with best wishes for all success, God willing
الخميس، 29 ديسمبر 2011
الأربعاء، 28 ديسمبر 2011
A Quick Money Spell
This spell requires good visualization. Take a green candle and anoint it with cinnamon oil. Take the bill or write on a piece of paper the amount of a bill you owe and who it is to. You will need a candle that can burn for 7 days. Place the paper under the candle. Hold your hands over the candle and say...
"This candle burns to light the way
for the money I need to pay this bill
in a way that harms no one."
Light the candle and burn patchouli incense. Meditate for about 5 minutes as the candle burns. Visualize yourself writing the check or purchasing the money order for this bill and putting it in the mail. Burn the candle every day around the same
time for 7 days and 15 minutes at a time. Also, burn patchouli incense every day
"This candle burns to light the way
for the money I need to pay this bill
in a way that harms no one."
Light the candle and burn patchouli incense. Meditate for about 5 minutes as the candle burns. Visualize yourself writing the check or purchasing the money order for this bill and putting it in the mail. Burn the candle every day around the same
time for 7 days and 15 minutes at a time. Also, burn patchouli incense every day
الجمعة، 23 ديسمبر 2011
love spells used when looking for some new love in your life
Letter of Love SpellSure this one might seem to be lacking in "traditional" magickal ingredients like herbs or crystals, but the symbolism is just as powerful. This spell should be performed on a Friday night. Your supplies:
Use the red marker to write down the qualities you are looking for in a new love, being specific and realistic. Do not use names! Give the paper a spray or dab of your perfume, then fold it into the envelope.Hold the rose petals in your hand, and picture yourself with your ideal mate. Let yourself feel how happy you would be. Put the petals into the envelope with the paper, and seal the envelope. With a little lipstick on your lips, plant a big kiss on the outside of the envelope.
- 1 sheet of blank paper
- 1 red marker
- 1 envelope
- Favourite perfume
- Favourite red lipstick
- 5 or 6 fresh red rose petals
Keep the envelope in a safe spot, and do not open it. Once you've found your new lover, you can simply throw it away or burn it. Just don't open it.
الجمعة، 9 ديسمبر 2011
Coltsfoot Wealth Spell
For wealth and prosperity for a year,
take the husk from an ear of corn and put
a dollar bill along with a note written on parchment, "Oh, dear god of luck,
money is like muck,
not good except it be spread.
Spread some here at--------------(write in your address).
Thanks be to thee. Amen."
Sign your name.
Sprinkle the dollar bill and note with coltsfoot leaves.
Roll the husk up and tie together with green string or ribbon.
Hang the token up above the entryway with green cord.
That husk should bring riches into your home or business by the bushel.
take the husk from an ear of corn and put
a dollar bill along with a note written on parchment, "Oh, dear god of luck,
money is like muck,
not good except it be spread.
Spread some here at--------------(write in your address).
Thanks be to thee. Amen."
Sign your name.
Sprinkle the dollar bill and note with coltsfoot leaves.
Roll the husk up and tie together with green string or ribbon.
Hang the token up above the entryway with green cord.
That husk should bring riches into your home or business by the bushel.
الاثنين، 5 ديسمبر 2011
Spell To Make Money
This must be done on the Proper Day and Hour of Jupiter. I will explain more in a bit.
You will need a Green Candle and a White Candle. The Green candle represents the money, and the white candle represents you. Make sure you annoint the candles with oil first, thinking of your desire for money to come to you. Set the candles on your alter or table 8 inches apart. After doing this say...
"Money, money come to me
In abundance three times three
May I be enriched in the best of ways
Harming none on its way
This I accept, so mote it be
Bring me money three times three!"
You need to start this Spell on a Thursday which is the Day of Jupiter and at the proper hour of Jupiter for your Latitude and Longitude. Repeat this for 8 days. Each day move the White Candle one inch closer to the Green Candle. When the Candles touch, your spell is finished. This will end the Spell on a Thursday as well.
Each day you should find the proper Planetary Hour of Jupiter and do the Spell at that time. This will give it much more Power.
Jupiter is associatied with Money.
Make sure you visualize the money pouring in from the Universe but make sure you imagine a source of where that money will come from... and don't ask for the Lotto.... it's not gonna happen.

You will need a Green Candle and a White Candle. The Green candle represents the money, and the white candle represents you. Make sure you annoint the candles with oil first, thinking of your desire for money to come to you. Set the candles on your alter or table 8 inches apart. After doing this say...
"Money, money come to me
In abundance three times three
May I be enriched in the best of ways
Harming none on its way
This I accept, so mote it be
Bring me money three times three!"
You need to start this Spell on a Thursday which is the Day of Jupiter and at the proper hour of Jupiter for your Latitude and Longitude. Repeat this for 8 days. Each day move the White Candle one inch closer to the Green Candle. When the Candles touch, your spell is finished. This will end the Spell on a Thursday as well.
Each day you should find the proper Planetary Hour of Jupiter and do the Spell at that time. This will give it much more Power.
Jupiter is associatied with Money.
Make sure you visualize the money pouring in from the Universe but make sure you imagine a source of where that money will come from... and don't ask for the Lotto.... it's not gonna happen.
السبت، 3 ديسمبر 2011
Free Spell To Optain Money
Done During the Full Moon... Fill your cauldron half full of water and drop a silver coin into it. Position the cauldron so that the light from the moon shines into the water. Gently sweep your
hands just above the surface, symbolically gathering the Moon's silver.
While doing this say...
"Lovely Lady of the Moon, bring to me your
wealth right soon. Fill my hands with silver
and gold. All you give, my purse can hold."
Repeat this three times. When finished, pour the water upon the earth.
hands just above the surface, symbolically gathering the Moon's silver.
While doing this say...
"Lovely Lady of the Moon, bring to me your
wealth right soon. Fill my hands with silver
and gold. All you give, my purse can hold."
Repeat this three times. When finished, pour the water upon the earth.
الجمعة، 2 ديسمبر 2011
Very Strong Spell To Make Someone Go Away
- This spell needs to be done during a Waning Moon. The day and time does not matter.
- Step 2 - Gather all of your supplies. Pour the dirt into the bowl. Place the candle in the center of the dirt. (Use a candle holder if using a taper, a pillar candle will stand on its own.)
- Step 3 - Light the candle and concentrate on the person you would like to move.
- Step 4 - Repeat the following incantation three times:
Sand from lands far away
name will go and I will stay
Both of us, happy will be
With name far from me.
- Step 5 - Deliver a portion of the sand to the person for seven days in a row. You can use the mail but you'll have to deliver it yourself on Sunday. You don't have to hand it the person, just stick it in their mailbox or lay it against their door.
الخميس، 1 ديسمبر 2011
How You Can Keep Your Enemy Away
Get a small jar or bottle with a lid.
On a piece of paper draw a house with a big X thru it.
Then write their name on it 9 times on the outside of the house in the picture.
Fill the jar with 4 thieves vinegar, cap and cast into a moving body of water.
You can also intensify this with splashing War Water on their outside door knobs
and their porch. As you do this.... visualizing them packed up and moving.... driving away down the street away from their house.
On a piece of paper draw a house with a big X thru it.
Then write their name on it 9 times on the outside of the house in the picture.
Fill the jar with 4 thieves vinegar, cap and cast into a moving body of water.
You can also intensify this with splashing War Water on their outside door knobs
and their porch. As you do this.... visualizing them packed up and moving.... driving away down the street away from their house.
Spell to make your Enemy Move Away
When the moon is in a Waning Phase, write on white parchment paper the full name of the person you want to move, along with birth date. Roll up the paper, with a photo if you have one, place inside a bottle of vinegar, then toss into a body of running water, visualize your enemy moving away as the bottle is washed away.
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