Brothers and sisters : A lot of us without work or needs to increase his income .. and Leafing through the net and found a company that has high credibility in the forums foreign act as an intermediary between job seekers from the house and the employers ... and the job is data entry so that the company sent to you data and forms on your e-mail and prefers to be non-yahoo, such as Gmail or Hotmail and you are merging and the introduction of data and send it again ... after the registration in the company and must be your real you will receive a check in your name and your address will get $ 10 in your account and you will get a link from them to invite your friends to registration through your own link publication of the armpit in the forums and sites you will earn 1cent for every one you refer and after the arrival of your earnings to the $ 40 you can receive the first check and become eligible for promotion job as a data entry and profit from it very good you'll get about $ 6 to form one o'clock as well as you can profit from writing in the forum of their own for 40 cents this next to your continued participation in the profit by inviting people to register under you ... to sign up for this company and get the $ 10 Please register from the next link...... with best wishes for all success, God willing
الخميس، 29 ديسمبر 2011
الأربعاء، 28 ديسمبر 2011
A Quick Money Spell
This spell requires good visualization. Take a green candle and anoint it with cinnamon oil. Take the bill or write on a piece of paper the amount of a bill you owe and who it is to. You will need a candle that can burn for 7 days. Place the paper under the candle. Hold your hands over the candle and say...
"This candle burns to light the way
for the money I need to pay this bill
in a way that harms no one."
Light the candle and burn patchouli incense. Meditate for about 5 minutes as the candle burns. Visualize yourself writing the check or purchasing the money order for this bill and putting it in the mail. Burn the candle every day around the same
time for 7 days and 15 minutes at a time. Also, burn patchouli incense every day
"This candle burns to light the way
for the money I need to pay this bill
in a way that harms no one."
Light the candle and burn patchouli incense. Meditate for about 5 minutes as the candle burns. Visualize yourself writing the check or purchasing the money order for this bill and putting it in the mail. Burn the candle every day around the same
time for 7 days and 15 minutes at a time. Also, burn patchouli incense every day
الجمعة، 23 ديسمبر 2011
love spells used when looking for some new love in your life
Letter of Love SpellSure this one might seem to be lacking in "traditional" magickal ingredients like herbs or crystals, but the symbolism is just as powerful. This spell should be performed on a Friday night. Your supplies:
Use the red marker to write down the qualities you are looking for in a new love, being specific and realistic. Do not use names! Give the paper a spray or dab of your perfume, then fold it into the envelope.Hold the rose petals in your hand, and picture yourself with your ideal mate. Let yourself feel how happy you would be. Put the petals into the envelope with the paper, and seal the envelope. With a little lipstick on your lips, plant a big kiss on the outside of the envelope.
- 1 sheet of blank paper
- 1 red marker
- 1 envelope
- Favourite perfume
- Favourite red lipstick
- 5 or 6 fresh red rose petals
Keep the envelope in a safe spot, and do not open it. Once you've found your new lover, you can simply throw it away or burn it. Just don't open it.
الجمعة، 9 ديسمبر 2011
Coltsfoot Wealth Spell
For wealth and prosperity for a year,
take the husk from an ear of corn and put
a dollar bill along with a note written on parchment, "Oh, dear god of luck,
money is like muck,
not good except it be spread.
Spread some here at--------------(write in your address).
Thanks be to thee. Amen."
Sign your name.
Sprinkle the dollar bill and note with coltsfoot leaves.
Roll the husk up and tie together with green string or ribbon.
Hang the token up above the entryway with green cord.
That husk should bring riches into your home or business by the bushel.
take the husk from an ear of corn and put
a dollar bill along with a note written on parchment, "Oh, dear god of luck,
money is like muck,
not good except it be spread.
Spread some here at--------------(write in your address).
Thanks be to thee. Amen."
Sign your name.
Sprinkle the dollar bill and note with coltsfoot leaves.
Roll the husk up and tie together with green string or ribbon.
Hang the token up above the entryway with green cord.
That husk should bring riches into your home or business by the bushel.
الاثنين، 5 ديسمبر 2011
Spell To Make Money
This must be done on the Proper Day and Hour of Jupiter. I will explain more in a bit.
You will need a Green Candle and a White Candle. The Green candle represents the money, and the white candle represents you. Make sure you annoint the candles with oil first, thinking of your desire for money to come to you. Set the candles on your alter or table 8 inches apart. After doing this say...
"Money, money come to me
In abundance three times three
May I be enriched in the best of ways
Harming none on its way
This I accept, so mote it be
Bring me money three times three!"
You need to start this Spell on a Thursday which is the Day of Jupiter and at the proper hour of Jupiter for your Latitude and Longitude. Repeat this for 8 days. Each day move the White Candle one inch closer to the Green Candle. When the Candles touch, your spell is finished. This will end the Spell on a Thursday as well.
Each day you should find the proper Planetary Hour of Jupiter and do the Spell at that time. This will give it much more Power.
Jupiter is associatied with Money.
Make sure you visualize the money pouring in from the Universe but make sure you imagine a source of where that money will come from... and don't ask for the Lotto.... it's not gonna happen.

You will need a Green Candle and a White Candle. The Green candle represents the money, and the white candle represents you. Make sure you annoint the candles with oil first, thinking of your desire for money to come to you. Set the candles on your alter or table 8 inches apart. After doing this say...
"Money, money come to me
In abundance three times three
May I be enriched in the best of ways
Harming none on its way
This I accept, so mote it be
Bring me money three times three!"
You need to start this Spell on a Thursday which is the Day of Jupiter and at the proper hour of Jupiter for your Latitude and Longitude. Repeat this for 8 days. Each day move the White Candle one inch closer to the Green Candle. When the Candles touch, your spell is finished. This will end the Spell on a Thursday as well.
Each day you should find the proper Planetary Hour of Jupiter and do the Spell at that time. This will give it much more Power.
Jupiter is associatied with Money.
Make sure you visualize the money pouring in from the Universe but make sure you imagine a source of where that money will come from... and don't ask for the Lotto.... it's not gonna happen.
السبت، 3 ديسمبر 2011
Free Spell To Optain Money
Done During the Full Moon... Fill your cauldron half full of water and drop a silver coin into it. Position the cauldron so that the light from the moon shines into the water. Gently sweep your
hands just above the surface, symbolically gathering the Moon's silver.
While doing this say...
"Lovely Lady of the Moon, bring to me your
wealth right soon. Fill my hands with silver
and gold. All you give, my purse can hold."
Repeat this three times. When finished, pour the water upon the earth.
hands just above the surface, symbolically gathering the Moon's silver.
While doing this say...
"Lovely Lady of the Moon, bring to me your
wealth right soon. Fill my hands with silver
and gold. All you give, my purse can hold."
Repeat this three times. When finished, pour the water upon the earth.
الجمعة، 2 ديسمبر 2011
Very Strong Spell To Make Someone Go Away
- This spell needs to be done during a Waning Moon. The day and time does not matter.
- Step 2 - Gather all of your supplies. Pour the dirt into the bowl. Place the candle in the center of the dirt. (Use a candle holder if using a taper, a pillar candle will stand on its own.)
- Step 3 - Light the candle and concentrate on the person you would like to move.
- Step 4 - Repeat the following incantation three times:
Sand from lands far away
name will go and I will stay
Both of us, happy will be
With name far from me.
- Step 5 - Deliver a portion of the sand to the person for seven days in a row. You can use the mail but you'll have to deliver it yourself on Sunday. You don't have to hand it the person, just stick it in their mailbox or lay it against their door.
الخميس، 1 ديسمبر 2011
How You Can Keep Your Enemy Away
Get a small jar or bottle with a lid.
On a piece of paper draw a house with a big X thru it.
Then write their name on it 9 times on the outside of the house in the picture.
Fill the jar with 4 thieves vinegar, cap and cast into a moving body of water.
You can also intensify this with splashing War Water on their outside door knobs
and their porch. As you do this.... visualizing them packed up and moving.... driving away down the street away from their house.
On a piece of paper draw a house with a big X thru it.
Then write their name on it 9 times on the outside of the house in the picture.
Fill the jar with 4 thieves vinegar, cap and cast into a moving body of water.
You can also intensify this with splashing War Water on their outside door knobs
and their porch. As you do this.... visualizing them packed up and moving.... driving away down the street away from their house.
Spell to make your Enemy Move Away
When the moon is in a Waning Phase, write on white parchment paper the full name of the person you want to move, along with birth date. Roll up the paper, with a photo if you have one, place inside a bottle of vinegar, then toss into a body of running water, visualize your enemy moving away as the bottle is washed away.
الأربعاء، 30 نوفمبر 2011
Know everything about your horoscope astronomical :: Gemini
From the date of May 21 to 20: JuneElement: AirHappier days: WednesdayFavorite color: yellow and whiteHappier precious stones: rubies and yellow crystalHappier figures: 5Characteristics: intellectual, researcher, moody, cynical
General characteristics of the Gemini
Contradiction, Constant motion, attractive smile, do not expect him to issue a decisionDifficult to know His feeling he can be happy and sad in one hour, knows how to take positions at the appropriate times, rarely uses one to help him because his independent Character help him to see things clearlyDifficult for the tower born to stay in one place the majority of Geminis commonly switch their jobs and their place of residenceBothering sarcasm that forms a barrier that prevents you from getting to know the reality of this person, and the cynicism of these are harmful in some cases, especially for a moment to address some things seriouslyTalkative, LOVES to identify the largest number of people, like friction and mixing with the community Geminis has a successful way to convince me, even if not early enough on the subject that speaks Geminis most talented and successful in their jobs but they have some of jealousy from the others may be harmfulMoney for Gemini is an important element for the peaceful life he always in need of money to achieve their wishes and desires changing movingGeminis needs to rest because they are predisposed to physical and nervous fatigue as a result of the effort that they are doingGeminis settle when he feels he needs to be stable or that it is time for stabilityGemini Man
Very social, always find with people who speak, his eyes not calm discuss moving from the face to another without knowing what he want, a sincere smile on his lips at times and has ample grounds to another timeBeautiful style to speak with others, in particular, and he cites the words of scientists and men of letters as he was addicted to readingSurprised because he is able to cope with some of the atmosphere that are not to printBefore an updated and flexible, says that his opinion without bothering you or embarrassLook at what a little bit tomorrow and look at the past, always ready to welcome the new dayMan positions, is not deep as it is solid and bold and the word is sometimes harsh, do not Recognized his errors even if this error would expose him to other errorsGemini man love outer beauty at first and then looking for the beauty essence, explicitly in relation to the degree of insolence at times, before and affectionate too lover of Gemini may become like him with time due to constant change in the behavior of a GeminiIs difficult to understand his character with that attractive to be resolved to tempt Puzzle, the girl capable of solving puzzles will be happiest near the GeminiGemini father shows his children a lot, and bestow on them gifts and grow here, which have the responsibility of the wife to be determined to create a balanceGemini Women
Sweet graceful, striking and interchangeable, these women were created to function, to be present, Her age plays the biggest role in her life Her personal fun and full of vitality, rarely see a sad or demanding, enters the presence of joy to the hearts of present and that was temporarilyGemini volatile, selfish thing, and some very keen on the property, to the very limits of economic greed, although it sometimes hospitable and seek to be an open houseAble to do more work because they do not know the fatigue is not the kind of complain In the initial years of youth be a permanent romantic dreamy smile, but after a few years feel like a new human being to recognize and realistic, serious, analyze things and explain thingsSocial Gemini may think they are not fined at all, but in fact this girl sweet cohabitant fines wonderful things in a way, for example, may not penalize a young man who likens even contradict itIf She would like is sincere and stood next to her lover and a pause by a lot of courage and responsibility, but that they encouraged and lending it a helping hand, without the leave it to feel like a dependent,Pleased to be greater if she met the young man who dreamed of, the young modern, liberal and interpreter at the same time, which is surrounded by and absorbed without the erase character Most married women are the home of the first-class woman who hates neglect in the home and seeks to keep clean and remarkable . Every day give it a touch that reminds you of a new women's femininity foremostGemini firm with her children at times and soft at others, which is fortunate since it is capable of having emotions of children who see them huddled close to the onlookers, her many speeches to the audienceVolatile, shifting, you overlook every day TrackGemini man's relationship with the rest of the towers of the emotional
Gemini men and women, Aries
Gemini is proud company of this woman, appreciate and see the image of women that respect, to give up her Very good for the two, that Invinciple relationship to the wall
Gemini man and Taurus woman
Gemini is attracted to the charm of this woman who sees in this man's wonderful model for men, a successful relationship if the parties decided to continue, and only had a short but do not reflect without the impact
Men and women Gemini Gemini
Movement, dynamic, and standing to bring the birth of a new mood of fear lies in the parties that may prevent their spring to winter
Gemini men and women cancer
This man loves women cancer model lady's house and not as friend evenings, if the relationship between a successful marriage if its
Gemini men and women Leo
Compete with them on social presence, showing him her charm and surprises with his ambiguity.. embarrassed and bothered her and the relationship between love for eye-catching or after the final
Gemini men and women, the Virgin
His invention of the arguments moves the nerve of this woman sincere, but his presence attracted and pulled by the throaty voice, the relationship between give and take
Gemini men and women LIBRA
The beauty of these women tend to claim this man, his presence and the strength of their tendency to restrain movement of the Standing successful relationship has to be balanced remarkably
Gemini man and Scorpio woman
Is the strongest, even if it owns admit it, steal his emotions and he expected the lake, although it may yield its strength to him if declared her love with confidence
Gemini men and women arc
Constitute a bilateral pointing in terms of shape, different in substance, among the principles of their agreement but may help them to reach a draw clear lines of their relationship
Gemini men and women Capricorn
Conquer her with the strongest in his presence, She beat in the appeal, and may Quarrel but in the end both in deep loveGemini men and women, Aquarius
Agree in theory, contribute to and help them with him, and in the work they are together, either in love deficult this woman has to play only the role of lover
Gemini men and women Whale
Tendency to calm might be spared for this man contrived for himself an uproar in some cases, this woman can not pulled him to marry
General characteristics of the Gemini
Contradiction, Constant motion, attractive smile, do not expect him to issue a decisionDifficult to know His feeling he can be happy and sad in one hour, knows how to take positions at the appropriate times, rarely uses one to help him because his independent Character help him to see things clearlyDifficult for the tower born to stay in one place the majority of Geminis commonly switch their jobs and their place of residenceBothering sarcasm that forms a barrier that prevents you from getting to know the reality of this person, and the cynicism of these are harmful in some cases, especially for a moment to address some things seriouslyTalkative, LOVES to identify the largest number of people, like friction and mixing with the community Geminis has a successful way to convince me, even if not early enough on the subject that speaks Geminis most talented and successful in their jobs but they have some of jealousy from the others may be harmfulMoney for Gemini is an important element for the peaceful life he always in need of money to achieve their wishes and desires changing movingGeminis needs to rest because they are predisposed to physical and nervous fatigue as a result of the effort that they are doingGeminis settle when he feels he needs to be stable or that it is time for stabilityGemini Man
Very social, always find with people who speak, his eyes not calm discuss moving from the face to another without knowing what he want, a sincere smile on his lips at times and has ample grounds to another timeBeautiful style to speak with others, in particular, and he cites the words of scientists and men of letters as he was addicted to readingSurprised because he is able to cope with some of the atmosphere that are not to printBefore an updated and flexible, says that his opinion without bothering you or embarrassLook at what a little bit tomorrow and look at the past, always ready to welcome the new dayMan positions, is not deep as it is solid and bold and the word is sometimes harsh, do not Recognized his errors even if this error would expose him to other errorsGemini man love outer beauty at first and then looking for the beauty essence, explicitly in relation to the degree of insolence at times, before and affectionate too lover of Gemini may become like him with time due to constant change in the behavior of a GeminiIs difficult to understand his character with that attractive to be resolved to tempt Puzzle, the girl capable of solving puzzles will be happiest near the GeminiGemini father shows his children a lot, and bestow on them gifts and grow here, which have the responsibility of the wife to be determined to create a balanceGemini Women
Sweet graceful, striking and interchangeable, these women were created to function, to be present, Her age plays the biggest role in her life Her personal fun and full of vitality, rarely see a sad or demanding, enters the presence of joy to the hearts of present and that was temporarilyGemini volatile, selfish thing, and some very keen on the property, to the very limits of economic greed, although it sometimes hospitable and seek to be an open houseAble to do more work because they do not know the fatigue is not the kind of complain In the initial years of youth be a permanent romantic dreamy smile, but after a few years feel like a new human being to recognize and realistic, serious, analyze things and explain thingsSocial Gemini may think they are not fined at all, but in fact this girl sweet cohabitant fines wonderful things in a way, for example, may not penalize a young man who likens even contradict itIf She would like is sincere and stood next to her lover and a pause by a lot of courage and responsibility, but that they encouraged and lending it a helping hand, without the leave it to feel like a dependent,Pleased to be greater if she met the young man who dreamed of, the young modern, liberal and interpreter at the same time, which is surrounded by and absorbed without the erase character Most married women are the home of the first-class woman who hates neglect in the home and seeks to keep clean and remarkable . Every day give it a touch that reminds you of a new women's femininity foremostGemini firm with her children at times and soft at others, which is fortunate since it is capable of having emotions of children who see them huddled close to the onlookers, her many speeches to the audienceVolatile, shifting, you overlook every day TrackGemini man's relationship with the rest of the towers of the emotional
Gemini men and women, Aries
Gemini is proud company of this woman, appreciate and see the image of women that respect, to give up her Very good for the two, that Invinciple relationship to the wall
Gemini man and Taurus woman
Gemini is attracted to the charm of this woman who sees in this man's wonderful model for men, a successful relationship if the parties decided to continue, and only had a short but do not reflect without the impact
Men and women Gemini Gemini
Movement, dynamic, and standing to bring the birth of a new mood of fear lies in the parties that may prevent their spring to winter
Gemini men and women cancer
This man loves women cancer model lady's house and not as friend evenings, if the relationship between a successful marriage if its
Gemini men and women Leo
Compete with them on social presence, showing him her charm and surprises with his ambiguity.. embarrassed and bothered her and the relationship between love for eye-catching or after the final
Gemini men and women, the Virgin
His invention of the arguments moves the nerve of this woman sincere, but his presence attracted and pulled by the throaty voice, the relationship between give and take
Gemini men and women LIBRA
The beauty of these women tend to claim this man, his presence and the strength of their tendency to restrain movement of the Standing successful relationship has to be balanced remarkably
Gemini man and Scorpio woman
Is the strongest, even if it owns admit it, steal his emotions and he expected the lake, although it may yield its strength to him if declared her love with confidence
Gemini men and women arc
Constitute a bilateral pointing in terms of shape, different in substance, among the principles of their agreement but may help them to reach a draw clear lines of their relationship
Gemini men and women Capricorn
Conquer her with the strongest in his presence, She beat in the appeal, and may Quarrel but in the end both in deep loveGemini men and women, Aquarius
Agree in theory, contribute to and help them with him, and in the work they are together, either in love deficult this woman has to play only the role of lover
Gemini men and women Whale
Tendency to calm might be spared for this man contrived for himself an uproar in some cases, this woman can not pulled him to marry
الاثنين، 21 نوفمبر 2011
- How do we know Taurus?
If I sit next to a person showing signs of calm and quiet talk with him and took his answers were
Few and short no more than yes, no, exactly, certainly, sometimes, to the meeting, make sure you're sitting with a bull.
Bull in his quiet, slow in his movement can serve as an excellent farmer, or feudal or the Director of the Bank
Or a ruler and rarely serve as a delegate to the sales or marketing manager or an architect or a movie
Or a clown in the circus . ..bull quiet person can not make him lose his cool, even if
I grabbed a bucket filled with hot water and poured it over his head or shouted in the face with the highest vote for you
Can not turn it all is the determination to do whatever your attempts.
- Beware the wrath of the bull:
Human being is extremely peaceful and quiet happiness motivated and will not get angry or try to avenge an important
but I warn you of his anger was angry at the age once or twice, but do not pass
safely this time will be great, but will destroy all who stand in his way. Yes, you will
Be blind anger terrifying all around him and does not seize any controls.
- The hallmarks of a bull:
Know of his looks strong and slow movement and the structure of a solid body containing a wide neck muscles strong,
His offer was issued and you may see the shoulders of the man, ate his food slowly and chew between his teeth well,
Ears small , tends to color his hair black and curly more often,
Nature of the strong and sober mind.
And the bull does not like to chase women even though he loved them, but he prefers to express admiration for him will come and seeking
To win it, do not complain or get angry if you had something he wanted to get it quiet help
To receive any problems, always trying to achieve its objectives and does not get tired of it, is happy to receive
His guests in his house for their meeting in forums outside the home is a family nature.
- Taurus and the Earth:
I love the bull is the earth, including in respect of the green title of fruit always meets the call of the land
And threw himself into the arms of nature is always trying to have a separate house surrounded by a garden
Filled with flowers or at least honor in his apartment makes him an outlet to practice his hobby planting tubs of flowers.
Taurus born healthy envy him and seldom-founded the disease, but complain that the complaint
Most of them born in this tower is obesity, and the reason for this excessive food which leads to congestion of blood
In the veins, and disorders of the blood vessels.
And for being sound in body from birth to be able to return to his health and avoid diseases by the previous
Respect the advice of doctors
And launch in the fresh air, which has always done.
And the bull always need two things to the physical security and emotional security, physical security and well being by means
Quality of life and he loves to cover all the costs of life, and that meets the needs of luxury before the necessary
The emotional security is essential for him he always wanted in a wife and a stable family quiet.
The material in his dealings with others, and this is what gives life meaning for him, and this is also what makes a
To many people do not approve of his actions, but where is the man who does not like handling the material?
- The Secret .. Durability:
Has the patience and endurance, think of feeling stupid and slow, but it never was it
Thinking on the subject to say its last word and always carry a lot of good for him.
A sincere friend are almost eternal friendship, and can be relied upon in many things, but not to limit
Who is the same doom your place so do not try that embarrassed in a situation like this because you may lose the
Forever, listen carefully to your complaint and sympathize with you, and may hand over his shoulders and hugged Aerbin to relieve you.
Love to love has a mental weighing things with his mind if convinced that passed the message to heart, and the measure of love
He has three things beauty, money, sex, beauty is the love that inspired the good side of love
Nature, the money represents for him the physical security, and sex is the warmth of his life.
Bull and a good heart to bring his children with his love for them, strictly in their education system, and always tries to make
Of them is the best of it, but silent in the house, and you do not hear his voice a lot, and it assesses what barriers
Psychological between him and his wife and his children, especially when children reach adolescence.
Afraid of the future seekers of physical security and is final and therefore does not like to think of projects
It brings a quick profit because such projects carry the risk factor and risk for
A loss of physical security, and if the bull's physical security may know that he had lost the meaning of existence and life.
And our friend the bull in the traditional clothes, wearing a suit and tie and so on psychology in its composition.
And likes to keep a precious things, and therefore will be changed into our best prices.
Is adventurous and does not like excitement, and therefore does not travel unless the travel carries with it the return of significant material
Traveling has a means not an end. Put his plans before the proper time and improves the management of a good thing, and hated boarding
It does not feel the security, but riding is compelled and still prepare for that period before the ride. Most of the people of this
So the tower from the rich prefer to book seats in first class, and get off at luxury hotels, as they
Depend on the hotel in the management of all their needs.
Do not forget that if you like your friend the bull given away a gift a gift to be a classic and a process that can benefit
Them physically or Kmzahrah masterpiece of copper or bronze, and trust that he will not forget your gift.
And celebrities from the tower: Salvador Dali, Elizabeth II, Freud, William Shakespeare, La Fontaine, Peter TchaikovskY
- Dear Eve .. Taurus the secret of the man:
Any class of men think, Madam, you do you deal with him, and what you ask of him? It's bull to the slow end
Large weighs affairs reason not in heart, he warned all women, and extremely reasonable, and quietly up to his decision
And you must try to understand that, and be more balanced and wisdom, he does not want to fall into the abyss and do not
Loves the rush and rush So be sure of yourself, otherwise you So try to avoid falling into the marriage of the Ox.
But if it please the other and the choosing of whom Vthaga that it will come to you every morning, carrying
Flower bouquet in his hand, despite that you did not decide yet to approve the link, which will spare no effort in systems
Poems you sent is not in the cards showing the name and is confident that it will receive and will know
It is who sent it, has the ability to identify high-quality perfume do you use, gentle to a large extent
With his lover care and beauty sanctify So try to Ftah thy magic, soft hair, and beauty of your skin Stgdenh
Reveal to you what is in his heart and his feelings towards you, and you will find a way to prove that his love for them.
You know very well the bull does not want to mess his money in the air, but he loves to see you in a beautiful and fascinating
Between peers and will spare no effort in to guide you from time to time and the other expensive gift.
Once the bull is not Caldlo antenna and do not like a lion and not imaginary and the builder of palaces in the air such as pregnancy, but realistic,
And will be presented to you from the beginning of each potential, the map will talk to you about the house he intends to be built
You and for his salary and his work on the basis of your home and the shortcut will be very honest and comfortable for you, and believe
Your life against any risks with the bull you are in good hands, do not worry. Able to reap the wealth from the sweat of his brow,
He paints his life day by day, and moves according to the clear, and so he gets the real success. Bear all the burden
And the hardship of life and you have only the role of the house and take part in securing the peaceful and stable home, and he does not want
You otherwise. And will introduces you to family and friends to provide the best which makes the other Ihsdonk
On your status in the heart of your husband.
Has no financial problems, and may become a millionaire, but he at least stable, and will not be subjected to any physical shocks,
Loves history, loves and hates and domestic food cans and sandwiches, and for this love that good at the art of cooking
Or Feltbgesa from now on a book teach you cooking.
- Dear man .. Do you know the mystery of the woman Taurus?
Taurus women really are the salt of the earth in every sense of the word virgin and is characterized by the same pure and maintain strong
Dignity and does not accept humiliation, honest and realistic all what it wants from life to find a sincere man.
Have the capacity to accept all people as they are unprecedented success and can speak with scientists
And the clergy and devout good friends from different brands and classes if you were not good when
She thinks you will grieve on your Ankhaddalla, and closes on itself, and but it is not jealous of women as a whole
Igtzn women from their husbands who Atercnhen to look to themselves for adventures emotional scarring will not luck
With you, but will try to deal with it wisely provided that they maintain to keep her home in safety and stability.
Realistic is the Taurus women love the bright ideas, and understand things, smart objectives are well known, does not dream of
Diplomatic positions and degrees, not of philosophers and researchers, although it is an artist and gentle emotions.
Roses do not like the industrial and considers Rod fake, is a non-real-life, and vivid flowers adorn Frerha
With odors smart, and loves fresh bread, fresh air and refreshing, and waking up early, know how to cook
Eating good and spicy and you'll be happy if I received a letter from a dinner in her home
Warm, you will find delicious food and delicious meals, she believes that the way to a man's heart is the stomach.
Creature of motherhood and that's what fit with the nature of the calm and poise and patience, she loves her children rejoice and take care of
Them, but they do not tolerate the actions of their children in periods of adolescence, and you have to intervene so as not to sour the relationship
It requires wisdom at home.
You like harmony, beauty and chaos, hate, even if it comes to playing children, but with a soft
Entertain, and learning the system and remove the difficulties in front of everyone, and is confident of herself and of her work
Is lazy, and may go to work to help her husband in the cost of life if necessary.
Taurus woman is a real family man doing everything from pancakes and even attention to all family members
Heals everything they have, and ensures the comfort of everyone from the wound, and even the normal heart wounded, less pain
You as a real human sense of the word.
- The child's Taurus .. How do we deal with him?
Baby bull will not accept in any way that it will not impose his will, a rebel in a calm and acting in
According to the whims and stubbornness is the only negative in that child because your child is often surprisingly cute
, Would love to carry on your hands and like to play with you and Mdaapetkm them and rejoice, and not afraid of any visitor
From your friends.
Spontaneous and catchy at the same time and waiting for you to love and physical affection while its architecture is quite excellent,
And sound health for the other children, add to that that your child is bull since the early stages
You feel as a man of the future force structure will very attractive, and the girl will be a woman excellent bull
It is a nice attractive, polite and quiet, although the behavior was tainted by some kind of childish, but they accept
Advice and change their behavior once the extension.
In his study Vmwalimoh will consider it as an example for his peers he is intelligent, active, likes to work,
Social, and loves the competition, too, may not absorb quickly, but he has an excellent memory metal,
In written exams do not resort to cheating in exams but to resort to self-understanding and abilities.
Do not forget that your baby bull lover of food, and your daughter have a small bull's skill in learning the art of cooking
Our advice to you home and treat them like tenderness and love and will Tjnon them very much for your attention, good for them.
- How do we know Taurus?
If I sit next to a person showing signs of calm and quiet talk with him and took his answers were
Few and short no more than yes, no, exactly, certainly, sometimes, to the meeting, make sure you're sitting with a bull.
Bull in his quiet, slow in his movement can serve as an excellent farmer, or feudal or the Director of the Bank
Or a ruler and rarely serve as a delegate to the sales or marketing manager or an architect or a movie
Or a clown in the circus . ..bull quiet person can not make him lose his cool, even if
I grabbed a bucket filled with hot water and poured it over his head or shouted in the face with the highest vote for you
Can not turn it all is the determination to do whatever your attempts.
- Beware the wrath of the bull:
Human being is extremely peaceful and quiet happiness motivated and will not get angry or try to avenge an important
but I warn you of his anger was angry at the age once or twice, but do not pass
safely this time will be great, but will destroy all who stand in his way. Yes, you will
Be blind anger terrifying all around him and does not seize any controls.
- The hallmarks of a bull:
Know of his looks strong and slow movement and the structure of a solid body containing a wide neck muscles strong,
His offer was issued and you may see the shoulders of the man, ate his food slowly and chew between his teeth well,
Ears small , tends to color his hair black and curly more often,
Nature of the strong and sober mind.
And the bull does not like to chase women even though he loved them, but he prefers to express admiration for him will come and seeking
To win it, do not complain or get angry if you had something he wanted to get it quiet help
To receive any problems, always trying to achieve its objectives and does not get tired of it, is happy to receive
His guests in his house for their meeting in forums outside the home is a family nature.
- Taurus and the Earth:
I love the bull is the earth, including in respect of the green title of fruit always meets the call of the land
And threw himself into the arms of nature is always trying to have a separate house surrounded by a garden
Filled with flowers or at least honor in his apartment makes him an outlet to practice his hobby planting tubs of flowers.
Taurus born healthy envy him and seldom-founded the disease, but complain that the complaint
Most of them born in this tower is obesity, and the reason for this excessive food which leads to congestion of blood
In the veins, and disorders of the blood vessels.
And for being sound in body from birth to be able to return to his health and avoid diseases by the previous
Respect the advice of doctors
And launch in the fresh air, which has always done.
And the bull always need two things to the physical security and emotional security, physical security and well being by means
Quality of life and he loves to cover all the costs of life, and that meets the needs of luxury before the necessary
The emotional security is essential for him he always wanted in a wife and a stable family quiet.
The material in his dealings with others, and this is what gives life meaning for him, and this is also what makes a
To many people do not approve of his actions, but where is the man who does not like handling the material?
- The Secret .. Durability:
Has the patience and endurance, think of feeling stupid and slow, but it never was it
Thinking on the subject to say its last word and always carry a lot of good for him.
A sincere friend are almost eternal friendship, and can be relied upon in many things, but not to limit
Who is the same doom your place so do not try that embarrassed in a situation like this because you may lose the
Forever, listen carefully to your complaint and sympathize with you, and may hand over his shoulders and hugged Aerbin to relieve you.
Love to love has a mental weighing things with his mind if convinced that passed the message to heart, and the measure of love
He has three things beauty, money, sex, beauty is the love that inspired the good side of love
Nature, the money represents for him the physical security, and sex is the warmth of his life.
Bull and a good heart to bring his children with his love for them, strictly in their education system, and always tries to make
Of them is the best of it, but silent in the house, and you do not hear his voice a lot, and it assesses what barriers
Psychological between him and his wife and his children, especially when children reach adolescence.
Afraid of the future seekers of physical security and is final and therefore does not like to think of projects
It brings a quick profit because such projects carry the risk factor and risk for
A loss of physical security, and if the bull's physical security may know that he had lost the meaning of existence and life.
And our friend the bull in the traditional clothes, wearing a suit and tie and so on psychology in its composition.
And likes to keep a precious things, and therefore will be changed into our best prices.
Is adventurous and does not like excitement, and therefore does not travel unless the travel carries with it the return of significant material
Traveling has a means not an end. Put his plans before the proper time and improves the management of a good thing, and hated boarding
It does not feel the security, but riding is compelled and still prepare for that period before the ride. Most of the people of this
So the tower from the rich prefer to book seats in first class, and get off at luxury hotels, as they
Depend on the hotel in the management of all their needs.
Do not forget that if you like your friend the bull given away a gift a gift to be a classic and a process that can benefit
Them physically or Kmzahrah masterpiece of copper or bronze, and trust that he will not forget your gift.
And celebrities from the tower: Salvador Dali, Elizabeth II, Freud, William Shakespeare, La Fontaine, Peter TchaikovskY
- Dear Eve .. Taurus the secret of the man:
Any class of men think, Madam, you do you deal with him, and what you ask of him? It's bull to the slow end
Large weighs affairs reason not in heart, he warned all women, and extremely reasonable, and quietly up to his decision
And you must try to understand that, and be more balanced and wisdom, he does not want to fall into the abyss and do not
Loves the rush and rush So be sure of yourself, otherwise you So try to avoid falling into the marriage of the Ox.
But if it please the other and the choosing of whom Vthaga that it will come to you every morning, carrying
Flower bouquet in his hand, despite that you did not decide yet to approve the link, which will spare no effort in systems
Poems you sent is not in the cards showing the name and is confident that it will receive and will know
It is who sent it, has the ability to identify high-quality perfume do you use, gentle to a large extent
With his lover care and beauty sanctify So try to Ftah thy magic, soft hair, and beauty of your skin Stgdenh
Reveal to you what is in his heart and his feelings towards you, and you will find a way to prove that his love for them.
You know very well the bull does not want to mess his money in the air, but he loves to see you in a beautiful and fascinating
Between peers and will spare no effort in to guide you from time to time and the other expensive gift.
Once the bull is not Caldlo antenna and do not like a lion and not imaginary and the builder of palaces in the air such as pregnancy, but realistic,
And will be presented to you from the beginning of each potential, the map will talk to you about the house he intends to be built
You and for his salary and his work on the basis of your home and the shortcut will be very honest and comfortable for you, and believe
Your life against any risks with the bull you are in good hands, do not worry. Able to reap the wealth from the sweat of his brow,
He paints his life day by day, and moves according to the clear, and so he gets the real success. Bear all the burden
And the hardship of life and you have only the role of the house and take part in securing the peaceful and stable home, and he does not want
You otherwise. And will introduces you to family and friends to provide the best which makes the other Ihsdonk
On your status in the heart of your husband.
Has no financial problems, and may become a millionaire, but he at least stable, and will not be subjected to any physical shocks,
Loves history, loves and hates and domestic food cans and sandwiches, and for this love that good at the art of cooking
Or Feltbgesa from now on a book teach you cooking.
- Dear man .. Do you know the mystery of the woman Taurus?
Taurus women really are the salt of the earth in every sense of the word virgin and is characterized by the same pure and maintain strong
Dignity and does not accept humiliation, honest and realistic all what it wants from life to find a sincere man.
Have the capacity to accept all people as they are unprecedented success and can speak with scientists
And the clergy and devout good friends from different brands and classes if you were not good when
She thinks you will grieve on your Ankhaddalla, and closes on itself, and but it is not jealous of women as a whole
Igtzn women from their husbands who Atercnhen to look to themselves for adventures emotional scarring will not luck
With you, but will try to deal with it wisely provided that they maintain to keep her home in safety and stability.
Realistic is the Taurus women love the bright ideas, and understand things, smart objectives are well known, does not dream of
Diplomatic positions and degrees, not of philosophers and researchers, although it is an artist and gentle emotions.
Roses do not like the industrial and considers Rod fake, is a non-real-life, and vivid flowers adorn Frerha
With odors smart, and loves fresh bread, fresh air and refreshing, and waking up early, know how to cook
Eating good and spicy and you'll be happy if I received a letter from a dinner in her home
Warm, you will find delicious food and delicious meals, she believes that the way to a man's heart is the stomach.
Creature of motherhood and that's what fit with the nature of the calm and poise and patience, she loves her children rejoice and take care of
Them, but they do not tolerate the actions of their children in periods of adolescence, and you have to intervene so as not to sour the relationship
It requires wisdom at home.
You like harmony, beauty and chaos, hate, even if it comes to playing children, but with a soft
Entertain, and learning the system and remove the difficulties in front of everyone, and is confident of herself and of her work
Is lazy, and may go to work to help her husband in the cost of life if necessary.
Taurus woman is a real family man doing everything from pancakes and even attention to all family members
Heals everything they have, and ensures the comfort of everyone from the wound, and even the normal heart wounded, less pain
You as a real human sense of the word.
- The child's Taurus .. How do we deal with him?
Baby bull will not accept in any way that it will not impose his will, a rebel in a calm and acting in
According to the whims and stubbornness is the only negative in that child because your child is often surprisingly cute
, Would love to carry on your hands and like to play with you and Mdaapetkm them and rejoice, and not afraid of any visitor
From your friends.
Spontaneous and catchy at the same time and waiting for you to love and physical affection while its architecture is quite excellent,
And sound health for the other children, add to that that your child is bull since the early stages
You feel as a man of the future force structure will very attractive, and the girl will be a woman excellent bull
It is a nice attractive, polite and quiet, although the behavior was tainted by some kind of childish, but they accept
Advice and change their behavior once the extension.
In his study Vmwalimoh will consider it as an example for his peers he is intelligent, active, likes to work,
Social, and loves the competition, too, may not absorb quickly, but he has an excellent memory metal,
In written exams do not resort to cheating in exams but to resort to self-understanding and abilities.
Do not forget that your baby bull lover of food, and your daughter have a small bull's skill in learning the art of cooking
Our advice to you home and treat them like tenderness and love and will Tjnon them very much for your attention, good for them.
Disease, the owners of Aries
Aries in the control region of the human head and if you're born in Aries, you probably tend to feel the pain of the head is larger than the rest of the constellations. Can be fresh air and breathe deeply to be important weapons to face the headaches of this tower, which is characterized by stubbornness and his companions rush. Born Aries hits record in the fractures and accidents .. And a private motor vehicle accidents as well as burns, wounds and pain be violent, such as printing and body carries a variety of effects of wounds and burns from a young age is not free from the effects of the wounds in his face or his nose is always receives the blows to the head.
الجمعة، 18 نوفمبر 2011
Know everything about your horoscope astronomical
Planet - Mars. Lucky numbers -, 10, 19.28, 37, 46.55, stones - - sapphire - Diamond, firearm, in line with - Assad - Sagittarius - Gemini - Aquarius, March 21 - April 19
Business appropriate: - a firefighter, doctor, mechanic, dentist, professional athlete or a businessmanPositives: - lover of adventure - the privileged - brave - excited - he has the confidence of his own - a quick-wittedCons: - selfish - irritable - reckless - impatient - Escapade
Arians find themselves as consummate leaders. Although they are excellent at initiating and overseeing projects, do not rely on them to dive into the implementation details of the work, and often the owners of Aries is afraid of being on the edge of things. The Arians love the opportunities and energy challenge that comes with each new day. Arians Jeriion to speak to the point of convergence may be rude, to the extent that the owners may have delicate feelings of those around them to stay away from them. Person pregnancy bridges and perhaps inclined to authoritarianism and aggressive, and when the need is often summon the person is pregnant inner strength to overcome the challenges of any kind, it is always a competitor, which also can not be away from looking towards your interests. Usually the pregnancy is boastful and arrogant and domineering. He would prefer to influence things as well as allowing things to settle on his shoulder. Usually we see the owners of Aries is Hiaben or afraid to seize the opportunity or be driven by what they like or they see fit, and when they fail to reach the desired results of the work that they did see that pride themselves still exists on the grounds that they at least have worked their best . They love exploring new land and research priorities for the all-new where it was. Although the pregnancy, the person may not devote himself to any one but his courage and willingness to initiate action make them an asset to any project depends on team spirit.Pregnancy and Love
When they want only the owners of Aries can be very charming appearance which may resist by the opposite sex. People born under Aries to use it to unleash powerful energies, so as not to feel those with whom they have been affected by the progress they have made. In a relationship, Arians assume the motivation and encouraging the person who should have control over everything. The Aries driving force compels those born under the influence of the tower to become the beacon that should be the leader of any co-operative venture. Sometimes it seems they want to defeat their partners, not love them. People are people Hmasyun pregnancy, irreverent and adventurous in love and will have a permanent desire to push their love towards the steady-state and a new partner here may be influenced by the spiritual side of this. Arians love to experiment and to take things to the limit, so as they say roll over pregnancy to write a document (Kama Sutra) from the beginning or in other words that begin with loving pregnancy things from scratch!
Marlon Brando, Bette Davis, Thomas Jefferson, Houdini, Elton John, Aretha Franklin, Gloria Steinem, William Rich, Charlie Chaplin - James Clark
Child's pregnancy
Aries child can call upon a child any more dynamic movement and shows the strength of his character since the early weeks, and seeks from the beginning to gain attention and attract attention. If one entered his room without being him a look or a word you'll be screaming protest or response to various movements.
Exposure to some emergency incidents Kjerouh, burns and bruises than other children. And because of the extreme curiosity which urges him to discover the unknown. Which advance the walking and speaking and show independence and individuality, but also the advantage of the warmth of emotion and openly expressed. Often rushes about the loves and takes him and kissing him violently and enthusiasm. If it had not received any response entailed on himself and became a cool-looking man and the heart.
Aries child acquires with the passage of time, emotional mood expresses itself explode between now and then if these short-term storms. Copyright cream is involved toys and other possessions. Tends to be a bit lazy without the slightest sense of shame or confusion. Does not work with the compression method, or reprimand. Treatment is best encouragement and sent the challenge in itself.
Imagination and a broad and multi-dreams. His passion in the ignition permanently. Involving the same idealism and naive and rigidity together. Good at the role of leader among his colleagues. Refuses to obey and innovate ideas and games. Must be grown by the love and obedience from an early age but faced various difficulties in old age and the lessons of the utmost cruelty. Slave in his heart constantly question the extent of his love of others. He is also generous, spending a lot does not hesitate in giving his friend the last thing they have. If you received gifts faster to touch and examine refusing to leave to another time.
Most tortured this child and others concerned about the comfort and passive cooling. But the pain of my time, it is of the nature of the solid Kalolmas. Loves imagination and enjoys reading as much as reconnaissance and real work. Needs of the deeds. Responsibility, and when found was a good teacher quote quickly and easily peculiar. Driven by the language of logic and fair method of treatment. Requires praise at home, school, and absorb the positive ways. Hurt him and unemployment Anashh hard work. Sir loves real heroes, and stories of fantasy and magic as well. Need to sleep enough to bounce back and vitality.
If done well to raise this child broke a great human being seeks to achieve the dreams and the most difficult scarcity
Female pregnancy
We do not know deserve loving this woman congratulations or sympathy, for good reason is that fighting nature constantly main factors: on the one hand love I spent the first secret of its existence, on the other hand can not overlook for one moment about the world around them or themselves especially. In its power - more than any other woman - lay off the man laid off in full. This does not mean they agree to drought and scarcity of emotion feelings. On the contrary, dreams of love and constantly imagine the most beautiful poetic attitudes even if they succeed in this embodiment by a certain man.Independent unilateral nature allows it to rely on themselves in various business and daily duties. Feel in your gut that it is not the strongest element of frankness qualms about the fact that man feels, especially if it seemed kind of slow AC. If the initiative came from it is not unlikely that launches her legs to the wind do not hate him, but fear it self of weariness or bondage Ahdeddanha may in the future. Have an energy potential and resistance wonderful. She could face a whole army for the sake of a goal or a person believes in it and want to get it. Allow itself to all styles and methods. If you fail time and time again continued their struggle endowed with patience and perseverance, wisdom secured argument: "If tomorrow to sight a close."
Could this human being completed femininity that dialogue and Tatb and caressed and crying bitterly, if necessary, can also do all the work of a man if necessary. Of the best qualities of optimism and honesty and sincerity, hostility and faith in tomorrow. It pleases men mild emotion. Do not wish for snow and cold love with lost dignity. Give him respect if he deserved Forums to allow her to melt in the melting pot. Ask a lot from him and give him fold gain. Generous with its money and time, mean-spirited to the point of stinginess when it comes to who you love. Refuses to forfeit it, or even shared by a glance.
Love with her mortgage with her consent. If you touched the dignity of its fire turned to frost and hurry to indifference. Besides, O prefers men over women, and is happy to wrap around the fan. Faith in freedom does not mean they are satisfied that the over-the one who you love, they are sincere, honest and impulsive in love with her man does not pay to doubt or jealousy.
Aries women tend to work, and can arise in various fields and fields. When you believe in work and Aatadth become difficult for them to leave him even for the sake of love. Her aggression: leisure and unemployment. However it is an excellent housewife housework good at all but it is a work of this duty no more, and believes that its aim in life than to what is best and more useful.
Her health is excellent. Rarely complain of illness or fatigue. If anything happens to her you expect from others - especially her husband - the care and attention. Ideal mother, caring for her children and dealing with Bnzafthm and comfort, play and share, go out, talk, but subject them to laws and regulations do not exaggerate in childhood nickname, and so do not grow true impact of the growth of the corruption or fluidity.
Aries woman, emotional, fast losing control of herself and quickly restore calm similar. Do not leave the storm in the same trace of bitterness or resentment or self-pity. Never smile bright and optimistic, although continuous perishable because of its sincerity and goodness, and besides it has a great deal of excitement. If luck helped her and received the appropriate man turned into a sheep, a good, peaceful and her husband became one of the happiest of men.
Man pregnancy
Man pregnancy is a man of undisputed and that excitement was good for women who seek stability to stay away from his path. It is sometimes a burning passion, cold Arctic town at other times. If you really fell in love diving there until his ears, and if you crash because of that love of reasons to do what he could to collect the scattered parts and cast into a new template. If this is impossible neglected issue in its final and started looking for the source of new inspiration.
Not lacking the means to express the fact that he felt. Autism and sighs and hair. . . Everything is possible and feasible, it is important to reveal himself completely and not remain in the middle of the road, Vonsaf solutions are not of principles.
Fidelity pioneer, is unmatched in this field one. As the guiding principle that honesty remain faithful to those who like to think so. Emotional goals are noble and serious overtaking a relationship or to satisfy instincts. Requires that the woman who likes to stay for it when he thinks good, and make efforts to please him and pull him and keep him as long as possible, if the failed left behind and started looking for other Djiash satisfy the emotional temperament.
Any weapon succeed with this man? If women have resorted to spinning with explicit short fled thousands of miles away. Also escapes if you look at other men just a cursory glance because of jealousy and love of the main attributes of ownership. While it is expected to complete dedication of his beloved but refuse - even if ostensibly - exchanged for the same. He obliged - according to his belief - to establish some relationships innocent imposed by occupation and social status.
This man is a rebel by nature. Likes to challenge authority because he thought that the smartest and most eloquent of their masters. Often problems occur to him for not Anasiall preference to others and the role of Mr.'s not. Does not rule out that some are trying to teach him a harsh lessons in humility and compliance. On this occasion, women should be loved by a man Aries that always stands next to him against his enemies and love of loves and hates dislikes. If this really wanted to keep it as long as possible.
We have said before that Aries is unaware of lying and cheating and follows the method of direct in all his movements and actions. In the field of love, for example it is impossible to representation if his passion cooled, because everything which refers to the fact he felt then: Appears in his voice and his looks chill, and Agfah boredom and lack of patience. But Nabil despite everything. If you got between him and the beloved misunderstanding took the initiative to apologize, even if right next to him. In normal times met by praising, and praise her bed and persist in times of illness and does not hesitate in spending it very generously. It is hoped, all the female of the word meanings at the same time develop the spirit of independence and individual, provided that transcends borders and occupy pride of place which is his right alone. Although it does not mean exactly what it says. As the storms pass by with amazing speed without the expected impact of his beloved forgetfulness and forgiveness no matter how grief caused by her. If you live in front of Aries is not two possibilities: either prevail or to leave the house without return. And his wife, in turn, should not be negative or too shy.
Generosity of this incomparable man. He does not spare the lover I said something important ways of working and the supplier. Better for her if that in turn extends a helping hand if Vtdkhr little to surprise him when necessary. And more times of need when a man Aries. Sufficient proof that his faith in the proverb: "Forget what the Shaytaan in the pocket in the unseen."
Man pregnancy, cap, kind, loving and Ihdb on his children and taking care of them and believe them all the opportunity for recreation and play. Which exists in conversations with them and shared their hobbies, sports, excursions and so on. Often invite them to lunch or dinner in the best public places. Surprisingly, in spite of this passion would hate to be in the process neglects his wife.
In the capacity of his wife to work outside the home. No objection to the requirement to keep and retain femininity Adhuptha and subordination to him. The independence is sacred and ordered not entitled to discuss it from near or afar. But - if anything, of intelligence and common sense - can intervene in its affairs in a timely manner, so that the orientation in a manner before him feel that he is still Mr. obeyed.
Once a person discovers that he has Aries sovereignty and control, whether at home or at work, involving himself and becomes useless optimism and vitality. It is no doubt the correct title of manhood, and deserves a special kind of women. His wife standing favorite among those that do not know only worldly clubs, associations, and those that only wool weaving in one corner of the house. When found slight shift to the desired Mr. Mutaimin and make the happiest of his beloved women as a whole.
Business appropriate: - a firefighter, doctor, mechanic, dentist, professional athlete or a businessmanPositives: - lover of adventure - the privileged - brave - excited - he has the confidence of his own - a quick-wittedCons: - selfish - irritable - reckless - impatient - Escapade
Arians find themselves as consummate leaders. Although they are excellent at initiating and overseeing projects, do not rely on them to dive into the implementation details of the work, and often the owners of Aries is afraid of being on the edge of things. The Arians love the opportunities and energy challenge that comes with each new day. Arians Jeriion to speak to the point of convergence may be rude, to the extent that the owners may have delicate feelings of those around them to stay away from them. Person pregnancy bridges and perhaps inclined to authoritarianism and aggressive, and when the need is often summon the person is pregnant inner strength to overcome the challenges of any kind, it is always a competitor, which also can not be away from looking towards your interests. Usually the pregnancy is boastful and arrogant and domineering. He would prefer to influence things as well as allowing things to settle on his shoulder. Usually we see the owners of Aries is Hiaben or afraid to seize the opportunity or be driven by what they like or they see fit, and when they fail to reach the desired results of the work that they did see that pride themselves still exists on the grounds that they at least have worked their best . They love exploring new land and research priorities for the all-new where it was. Although the pregnancy, the person may not devote himself to any one but his courage and willingness to initiate action make them an asset to any project depends on team spirit.Pregnancy and Love
When they want only the owners of Aries can be very charming appearance which may resist by the opposite sex. People born under Aries to use it to unleash powerful energies, so as not to feel those with whom they have been affected by the progress they have made. In a relationship, Arians assume the motivation and encouraging the person who should have control over everything. The Aries driving force compels those born under the influence of the tower to become the beacon that should be the leader of any co-operative venture. Sometimes it seems they want to defeat their partners, not love them. People are people Hmasyun pregnancy, irreverent and adventurous in love and will have a permanent desire to push their love towards the steady-state and a new partner here may be influenced by the spiritual side of this. Arians love to experiment and to take things to the limit, so as they say roll over pregnancy to write a document (Kama Sutra) from the beginning or in other words that begin with loving pregnancy things from scratch!
Marlon Brando, Bette Davis, Thomas Jefferson, Houdini, Elton John, Aretha Franklin, Gloria Steinem, William Rich, Charlie Chaplin - James Clark
Child's pregnancy
Aries child can call upon a child any more dynamic movement and shows the strength of his character since the early weeks, and seeks from the beginning to gain attention and attract attention. If one entered his room without being him a look or a word you'll be screaming protest or response to various movements.
Exposure to some emergency incidents Kjerouh, burns and bruises than other children. And because of the extreme curiosity which urges him to discover the unknown. Which advance the walking and speaking and show independence and individuality, but also the advantage of the warmth of emotion and openly expressed. Often rushes about the loves and takes him and kissing him violently and enthusiasm. If it had not received any response entailed on himself and became a cool-looking man and the heart.
Aries child acquires with the passage of time, emotional mood expresses itself explode between now and then if these short-term storms. Copyright cream is involved toys and other possessions. Tends to be a bit lazy without the slightest sense of shame or confusion. Does not work with the compression method, or reprimand. Treatment is best encouragement and sent the challenge in itself.
Imagination and a broad and multi-dreams. His passion in the ignition permanently. Involving the same idealism and naive and rigidity together. Good at the role of leader among his colleagues. Refuses to obey and innovate ideas and games. Must be grown by the love and obedience from an early age but faced various difficulties in old age and the lessons of the utmost cruelty. Slave in his heart constantly question the extent of his love of others. He is also generous, spending a lot does not hesitate in giving his friend the last thing they have. If you received gifts faster to touch and examine refusing to leave to another time.
Most tortured this child and others concerned about the comfort and passive cooling. But the pain of my time, it is of the nature of the solid Kalolmas. Loves imagination and enjoys reading as much as reconnaissance and real work. Needs of the deeds. Responsibility, and when found was a good teacher quote quickly and easily peculiar. Driven by the language of logic and fair method of treatment. Requires praise at home, school, and absorb the positive ways. Hurt him and unemployment Anashh hard work. Sir loves real heroes, and stories of fantasy and magic as well. Need to sleep enough to bounce back and vitality.
If done well to raise this child broke a great human being seeks to achieve the dreams and the most difficult scarcity
Female pregnancy
We do not know deserve loving this woman congratulations or sympathy, for good reason is that fighting nature constantly main factors: on the one hand love I spent the first secret of its existence, on the other hand can not overlook for one moment about the world around them or themselves especially. In its power - more than any other woman - lay off the man laid off in full. This does not mean they agree to drought and scarcity of emotion feelings. On the contrary, dreams of love and constantly imagine the most beautiful poetic attitudes even if they succeed in this embodiment by a certain man.Independent unilateral nature allows it to rely on themselves in various business and daily duties. Feel in your gut that it is not the strongest element of frankness qualms about the fact that man feels, especially if it seemed kind of slow AC. If the initiative came from it is not unlikely that launches her legs to the wind do not hate him, but fear it self of weariness or bondage Ahdeddanha may in the future. Have an energy potential and resistance wonderful. She could face a whole army for the sake of a goal or a person believes in it and want to get it. Allow itself to all styles and methods. If you fail time and time again continued their struggle endowed with patience and perseverance, wisdom secured argument: "If tomorrow to sight a close."
Could this human being completed femininity that dialogue and Tatb and caressed and crying bitterly, if necessary, can also do all the work of a man if necessary. Of the best qualities of optimism and honesty and sincerity, hostility and faith in tomorrow. It pleases men mild emotion. Do not wish for snow and cold love with lost dignity. Give him respect if he deserved Forums to allow her to melt in the melting pot. Ask a lot from him and give him fold gain. Generous with its money and time, mean-spirited to the point of stinginess when it comes to who you love. Refuses to forfeit it, or even shared by a glance.
Love with her mortgage with her consent. If you touched the dignity of its fire turned to frost and hurry to indifference. Besides, O prefers men over women, and is happy to wrap around the fan. Faith in freedom does not mean they are satisfied that the over-the one who you love, they are sincere, honest and impulsive in love with her man does not pay to doubt or jealousy.
Aries women tend to work, and can arise in various fields and fields. When you believe in work and Aatadth become difficult for them to leave him even for the sake of love. Her aggression: leisure and unemployment. However it is an excellent housewife housework good at all but it is a work of this duty no more, and believes that its aim in life than to what is best and more useful.
Her health is excellent. Rarely complain of illness or fatigue. If anything happens to her you expect from others - especially her husband - the care and attention. Ideal mother, caring for her children and dealing with Bnzafthm and comfort, play and share, go out, talk, but subject them to laws and regulations do not exaggerate in childhood nickname, and so do not grow true impact of the growth of the corruption or fluidity.
Aries woman, emotional, fast losing control of herself and quickly restore calm similar. Do not leave the storm in the same trace of bitterness or resentment or self-pity. Never smile bright and optimistic, although continuous perishable because of its sincerity and goodness, and besides it has a great deal of excitement. If luck helped her and received the appropriate man turned into a sheep, a good, peaceful and her husband became one of the happiest of men.
Man pregnancy
Man pregnancy is a man of undisputed and that excitement was good for women who seek stability to stay away from his path. It is sometimes a burning passion, cold Arctic town at other times. If you really fell in love diving there until his ears, and if you crash because of that love of reasons to do what he could to collect the scattered parts and cast into a new template. If this is impossible neglected issue in its final and started looking for the source of new inspiration.
Not lacking the means to express the fact that he felt. Autism and sighs and hair. . . Everything is possible and feasible, it is important to reveal himself completely and not remain in the middle of the road, Vonsaf solutions are not of principles.
Fidelity pioneer, is unmatched in this field one. As the guiding principle that honesty remain faithful to those who like to think so. Emotional goals are noble and serious overtaking a relationship or to satisfy instincts. Requires that the woman who likes to stay for it when he thinks good, and make efforts to please him and pull him and keep him as long as possible, if the failed left behind and started looking for other Djiash satisfy the emotional temperament.
Any weapon succeed with this man? If women have resorted to spinning with explicit short fled thousands of miles away. Also escapes if you look at other men just a cursory glance because of jealousy and love of the main attributes of ownership. While it is expected to complete dedication of his beloved but refuse - even if ostensibly - exchanged for the same. He obliged - according to his belief - to establish some relationships innocent imposed by occupation and social status.
This man is a rebel by nature. Likes to challenge authority because he thought that the smartest and most eloquent of their masters. Often problems occur to him for not Anasiall preference to others and the role of Mr.'s not. Does not rule out that some are trying to teach him a harsh lessons in humility and compliance. On this occasion, women should be loved by a man Aries that always stands next to him against his enemies and love of loves and hates dislikes. If this really wanted to keep it as long as possible.
We have said before that Aries is unaware of lying and cheating and follows the method of direct in all his movements and actions. In the field of love, for example it is impossible to representation if his passion cooled, because everything which refers to the fact he felt then: Appears in his voice and his looks chill, and Agfah boredom and lack of patience. But Nabil despite everything. If you got between him and the beloved misunderstanding took the initiative to apologize, even if right next to him. In normal times met by praising, and praise her bed and persist in times of illness and does not hesitate in spending it very generously. It is hoped, all the female of the word meanings at the same time develop the spirit of independence and individual, provided that transcends borders and occupy pride of place which is his right alone. Although it does not mean exactly what it says. As the storms pass by with amazing speed without the expected impact of his beloved forgetfulness and forgiveness no matter how grief caused by her. If you live in front of Aries is not two possibilities: either prevail or to leave the house without return. And his wife, in turn, should not be negative or too shy.
Generosity of this incomparable man. He does not spare the lover I said something important ways of working and the supplier. Better for her if that in turn extends a helping hand if Vtdkhr little to surprise him when necessary. And more times of need when a man Aries. Sufficient proof that his faith in the proverb: "Forget what the Shaytaan in the pocket in the unseen."
Man pregnancy, cap, kind, loving and Ihdb on his children and taking care of them and believe them all the opportunity for recreation and play. Which exists in conversations with them and shared their hobbies, sports, excursions and so on. Often invite them to lunch or dinner in the best public places. Surprisingly, in spite of this passion would hate to be in the process neglects his wife.
In the capacity of his wife to work outside the home. No objection to the requirement to keep and retain femininity Adhuptha and subordination to him. The independence is sacred and ordered not entitled to discuss it from near or afar. But - if anything, of intelligence and common sense - can intervene in its affairs in a timely manner, so that the orientation in a manner before him feel that he is still Mr. obeyed.
Once a person discovers that he has Aries sovereignty and control, whether at home or at work, involving himself and becomes useless optimism and vitality. It is no doubt the correct title of manhood, and deserves a special kind of women. His wife standing favorite among those that do not know only worldly clubs, associations, and those that only wool weaving in one corner of the house. When found slight shift to the desired Mr. Mutaimin and make the happiest of his beloved women as a whole.
الأربعاء، 16 نوفمبر 2011
How You Can Grow Your Wealth
All What You Need: Thriving of any house plant .but if you can get a basil plant this will be better Any coin Sprinkle of dried patchouli Now sprinkle a little bit of the patchouli on the soil then stick the edge of the coin into the soil but keep a part of it free outside the soil. Note: if you get some new money in your life spend that coin right away and put new one in the same place
الأحد، 13 نوفمبر 2011
How You Can Find What Is Lost
You can use this spell when you are looking for anything you have misplaced in your house .You only need a white candle. Light your candle and put it in a holder to carry it.Begin walking from room to another room and reapeating this words : I need what i seek Give me a peek Draw my eyes For my prize let your eyes wonder around untill you will feeling with a drawn to the place where your missing item is hiding
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